Thursday, November 2

I'm Sooooo Sorry!

I was at a dinner party last night during which I was asked to make a few remarks. I now feel compelled to issue the following statement.

First of all let me say that no one respects the Polish people more than I, and I would never intentionally do or say anything to offend them or their families. I simply botched a joke that did not come out the way I intended

I also apologize to the light bulb manufacturers of America and their families. I am certainly aware - and let me be crystal clear - that light bulbs are an invaluable invention and are in no way so complicated that more than one - and only one - person would ever be required to screw them in.

And to the members of the ladder community let me say that I do not and never have advocated, suggested or condoned moving or rotating a ladder in any way while someone is standing on it.

Thank you.

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